Sculptural Mirror Swoop
A light, airy sculpture playful with a room's light. Handmade without a pattern, this is sculpture is easily wall mounted with small decorative nails or screws. It is 28" long, approx 8" wide and stands off the wall approx 5".
When I work with mirror, I find myself reflecting on perception; specifically, I am interested in the differences between the way we see ourselves, we want ourselves to be seen, we think we are seen, and how each other person sees us. The relationships between each of these ways of perceiving leave lots of gaps to jump with our imagination. This line of thought drives my sculptural mirror process. I do not make patterns when making work; I let myself find flow by creating a pallet of shapes and colors and arranging them like river stones.
When I work with mirror, I find myself reflecting on perception; specifically, I am interested in the differences between the way we see ourselves, we want ourselves to be seen, we think we are seen, and how each other person sees us. The relationships between each of these ways of perceiving leave lots of gaps to jump with our imagination. This line of thought drives my sculptural mirror process. I do not make patterns when making work; I let myself find flow by creating a pallet of shapes and colors and arranging them like river stones.