Osprey Stained Glass Window
Glass, Copper
34” x 31.5”
This is stained glass window built in a reclaimed window frame. The osprey are hollow spaces with sculptural (three dimensional) copper wings.
Osprey shows us that we can survive deep emotional waters.
Osprey encourages us to dive deeply into creativity and draw forth that which serves us. Osprey reminds us to go boldly after what we want. People connected to the Osprey totem tend to have impeccable timing, particularly in taking opportunities, and they treat themselves and others with a great deal of respect. When we maintain integrity even when we don’t agree with or enjoy another person, we honor the medicine of Osprey.
Osprey emphasizes the healing power of the sun. Osprey is an omen of success and profit, and, in dreams, signifies the return from a journey or a rising in position. If the Osprey is in contrary, when we are fighting it or find it sick, it is a sign that we are fighting authority or that our boundaries are out of alignment.
Meditating with Osprey can help us see through illusions, identify boundaries, connect with the moon and the sun, and navigate complicated emotions with clarity.